E!'s Marc Malkin on the Oscars; What Did You Borrow? SHOWcast 02/24/2017

Feb 24, 2017, 07:29 PM

Jen found a statistic that 70% of people have loaned money to a friend or family member, but only a select percentage of those would do it again. So, The Show Wants To Know: what did you borrow and what became of it? Or what did you loan to someone and never got back. Marc Malkin from E! News came on to talk about this weekend's Oscars. Listen as we chat about Jimmy Kimmel as host, the chances for La La Land to take Best Picture, fashion, politics and more! We love having @marcmalkin on! Finally, on the heels of Burger King buying Popeye's chicken, Truta throws out a survey to the gang about the top fast food restaurants of all time. You may be surprised to hear what's #1!