s02ep09 - Casper Kelly / Too Many Cooks!

Mar 01, 2017, 02:31 AM


This week we visit with author, television producer, television writer: Casper Kelly. Casper talks with us about the origins of 'Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell', his book, "More Stories About Spaceships and Cancer", the viral Adult Swim video, 'Too Many Cooks', watching VHS tapes in Saudi Arabia, things he likes to watch, classic humor magazines, writing parody porn, stories from his career and more. Enjoy!

Casper Kelly Links! His site: http://hey.casperkelly.com/p/hello.html His Twitter: https://twitter.com/heyCasperKelly His book: https://www.amazon.com/More-Stories-About-Spaceships-Cancer/dp/0984940707 More Stories About Spaceships and Cancer - BUY IT!

Too Many Cooks | Adult Swim https://youtu.be/QrGrOK8oZG8

Staff Picks! Tim - 60 Days In: Atlanta on A&E http://www.aetv.com/shows/60-days-in Steph - I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore on Netflix https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/idontfeelathomeinthisworldanymore/ Jeff - Missing Richad Simmons Podcast https://www.missingrichardsimmons.com/ Casper - The Greasy Strangler on Amazon Prime http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4381236/

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#CasperKelly, #YourPrettyFace, #YPF, #AdultSwim, #Squidbillies, #RileyMartin, #Rapture, #LarryMunson, #TimAndEric, #TheYoungPope, #HBO, #Banshee, #TooManyCooks, #BillPaxton, #Crazy, #Cracked, #MadMagazine, #Marvel, #ScoobyDoo, #RonJeremy, #PeterNorth, #MissingRichardSimmons, #60DaysIn, #FultonCounty, #Atlanta, #TheGreasyStrangler, #Amazon, #Netflix, #JuddApatow, #ArtieLange, #PeteHolmes, #NormMacdonald, #SaudiArabia, #VHS, #DustinDiamond, #MakingHistory