Phakta Ladh Mhana Ep. 06 - Kailas Mali
The sixth episode of "Phakta Ladh Mhana" features Kailas Mali who is an autorickshaw driver by profession.
What makes him unique is that, for the last seventeen years, Kailas Mali has been ferrying differently-abled citizens of Pune for FREE in his rickshaw for the last seventeen years. He also runs Sahara Ashram Sanstha through which he donates a lot of stuff to the poor and needy. For someone with an income stream as limited as his, the fact that he still donates 20 percent of it is not only mind-blowing but also humbling in so, so many ways!
In this episode, Shrikant and the Red FM team present the story of Mali-kaka and the incredible journey that he has been on, for the last seventeen years.
#KailasMali #SaharaAshram #AutoRickshaw #Charity #India #PhaktaLadhMhana #MH935 #Pune #RedFM #BajaateRaho