s02ep12 - Digging Up 1982
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This week we discuss “Coming to America 2”, a “Roseanne” reunion, TJ Miller’s “Gorburger” comes to Comedy Central, a “Matrix” reboot, SNL’s Weekend Update goes prime time, Shaq is a flat-earther, Tim digs 2015 Tina Fey / Amy Poehler film, “Sisters”, and this week’s episode of “The Walking Dead” (yawn).
Eighto Labyrinth is back as we remember the greatest year for movies, music and TV: 1982.
PLUS: Jeff and Tim check in with their smoking cessation woes, Stephanie bids farewell to her trusty pup, Walter Sobchak Swain, Paul Stanley’s “This Week in Pop Culture” & MORE!
Thanks to Jon Mark Lundell for letting us use his background jam in the "Paul Stanley" bit. Check out Jon's music on his Soundcloud page (below). I think you'll remember a few of these from the Regular Guys Show. https://soundcloud.com/jon-mark-lundell
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#TheWalkingDead, #EddieMurphy, #RoseanneBarr, #NormMacDonald, #JohnGoodman, #Dogs, #Cigarettes, #Shaq, #TJMiller, #Gorburger, #ComedyCentral, #SNL, #WeekendUpdate, #TheMatrix, #Sisters, #AmyPoehler, #TinaFey, #TheMissing, #TheImposters, #AaronDouglas, #BSG, #BattlestarGalactica, #TV, #Film, #Eighties, #Tylenol #Rona,ldReagan, #ET, #PaulStanley, #KISS, #CagneyAndLacy, #KnightRider, #HappyDays, #JoanieLovesChachi, #BladeRunner, #Grease2, #BeastMaster, #TBS, #TheLastUnicorn, #Tootsie, #FirstBlood, #RockyIII, #SylvesterStallone, #MrT, #DavidLetterman, #Cheers, #StElsewhere, #Voyagers, #NBC, #MustSeeTV, #StarTrek, #Khan, #RicardoMontalban, #TJHooker, #WilliamShatner, #TheWeatherChannel, #PoliceSquad, #TheYoungOnes, #HallandOats