AYP 35: "Indulging your bedroom hobby..."
Season 2.5, Episode 12. SPOT THE BURP! There is a burp hidden on this week's Safe As Milk preview episode, so if you can find it, comment on the All Yesterday's Parties Facebook page, or tweet us at @ayppodcast with the precise minute at second of the burp! This week, our indomitable heroes gather to discuss Karen Gwyer, Craig Leon & Martin Rev, and Jeff Mills & Tony Allen. There is also some wonderment at the way some artists' work is described on the Safe As Milk website, Gordon gets a well-known phrase just wrong enough to make everyone wince, and last week's Artist Choice experiment gets another go. Will it be successful? Listen and find out. Don't forget to check out Mike's Listening Notes at http://ayppodcast.tumblr.com #Music #Podcast #Review #SafeAsMilk #KarenGwyer #CraigLeon #MartinRev #JeffMills #TonyAllen #BallsToTheFloor #ThankYouQuasimodo