Gibraltar rocked. Ex pat journalist Joe Duggan on the sovereignty row

Episode 57,   Apr 06, 2017, 03:00 AM


There's a ruck over the Rock. Despite being the most pro remain voting area in last year's EU Referendum (95.9%), Gibraltar's future hadn't been much debated in the pre-negotiation posturing. That all changed on Friday, when EU guidelines announced no trade deals would be finalised over the peninsula without a bilateral agreement between Spain and Britain. This lit the the blue touch paper and sparked Tory Lord Michael Howard into announcing that Britain would defend its territory with the same passion as Margaret Thatcher's government had with the Falklands in 1982. And when Tim spoke to Joe Duggan from Spain's biggest ex-pat newspaper The Olive Press for this episode, tensions showed no signs easing (a Spanish gunboat was chased out of territorial waters by the Royal Navy prior to the call). But bypassing the rhetoric, what are the real worries for the people of Gibraltar, why are they so hell-bent on British sovereignty, and would they even consider pushing for full independence? As always, if you enjoy the show please let us know your thoughts.

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