AYP 36: "Peripheral Misery Porn"

Apr 05, 2017, 08:59 PM


Season 2.5, Episode 13. Oh, how bittersweet it is to be uploading this episode. At the time of recording, Safe As Milk Festival hadn't been cancelled, and we were eagerly looking forward to three days in Prestatyn Pontins. As it stands, the festival's off, and there's a hint of abandon in releasing the last part of our preview ramblings. After three consecutive episodes of concise commentary, we hit Digression City, and some of the tangents contain in this week's episode were too beautiful and unexpected to edit out. At 18 minutes into proceedings, John feared we were going to under-run, at which point all hell broke loose and the Nonsense Train rode us all the way to 47 minutes. So, John, Mike, Matt, and Gordon attempt to discuss Rezzett, Warm Digits, and Zs, but along the way end up getting hung up on tall people drawing on blackboards, gardening implements, and Forrest Gump, among various other things. Good luck keeping up with this, and we'll be back soon, with 100% less Safe As Milk-related content (much like what will happen if you go to Prestatyn Pontins on 21st April). #Podcast #Music #Review #Rezzett #WarmDigits #Zs #ThisHasChangedMyWorld #RunForrest