M&A update: Chinese billionaire eyeing Shaftesbury - Betaville

Apr 10, 2017, 12:14 PM


Ben Harrington, Freelance Business Journalist and Editor at Betaville Blog, talks to Tip TV’s Matt Brown about the major developments in the M&A world over the weekend and ‘unsubstantiated’ rumors.

Harrington discusses-

Whitsworth, one of Britain’s oldest food firms, has been put up for sale

Potential Bid alert - Hong Kong billionaire Samuel Tak Lee has built a stake of close to 20% in Shaftesbury

Tesco-Booker update

Grapevine: Private equity sniffing around TT Electronics, Tullow Oil selling North sea pipeline to Independent Oil gas

Bid speculation around US listed internet tech company Wicks

Merger & Acquisitions#M&A#business#investing#stocks#equities# macro#fundamentals#UK#Shaftesbury#China