s02ep15 - Get to the Choppa!
This week we’re again joined by Ira and, oh wait, STEPH IS BACK. Tim talks about seeing iconic 80s band, Duran Duran, the Atlanta Dogwood Festival, Jeff gets his guaranteed spot in Hell, we breakdown The Walking Dead finale, talk a little Legion, and Tim gets on board with Rick and Morty. PLUS: Staff picks, random jibber-jabber and Eightio Labyrinth gets to the chopper with Arnold Schwarzenegger and his big films from the 1980s.
Staff Picks:
Jeff: Better Call Saul Season 3 (AMC) http://www.avclub.com/tvclub/tapes-trackers-and-approaching-storms-better-call--253431 MST3K 4/14 Netflix Jonah Ray version http://www.mst3k.com/
Tim: Austrian Death Machine - Get to the Choppa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPIO86jTrQQ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AustrianDeathMachine
Steph: Brockmire (IFC) http://www.ifc.com/shows/brockmire
Ira: Eight Days A Week - The Touring Years (The Beatles) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2531318/
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#LouisCK, #DaveChappelle, #Netflix, #Comedy, #TheWalkingDead, #Legion, #AMC, #RickandMorty, #TheTerminator, #Predator, #TheRunningMan, #RawDeal, #Conan, #Twins, #Commando, #TotalRecall, #RedHeat, #ArnoldSchwarzenegger, #DonRickles, #BarryManilow, #HeathLedger, #Netflix, #AmySchumer, #Coffee, #DuranDuran, #YourPrettyFaceIsGoingToHell, #AdultSwim, #MST3k, #BetterCallSaul, #Television, #TV, #AustrianDeathMachine, #Brockmire, #IFC, #HankAzaria, #Baseball, #EightDaysAWeek, #TheBeatles, #RonHoward, #Comedy, #KindergartenCop, #Atlanta, #DogwoodFestival, #PiedmontPark