Look at HSBC and Lloyds for yield - Redmayne Bentley

Apr 28, 2017, 12:07 PM


Lloyds Bank and Barclays report doubled profits in the first quarter. There is consensus in the market that RBS is heading in the right direction. What’s behind the turnaround in the UK banks? Is the surge in profits for real and sustainable?

Is the turnaround due to the fact that banks are focusing more on the normal course of business?

Watch Roy Kaitcer, Investment Manager at Redmayne Bentley address the most pressing questions related to UK banks. Kaitcer says investors should look to HSBC and Lloyds Bank as favored yield plays for the future.

Listen to the full segment for more info on:

What’s driving the Pound higher & the impact of Pound rally on retailers and FTSE 100

#UK, #banks, #stocks, #equities, #HSBC, #LloydsBank, #trading, #markets, #technicals, #fundamentals, #macro, #investing