Katinka Barysch on why a trade deal over Brexit is not Germany's priority

Episode 67,   May 11, 2017, 03:00 AM


It might be No 1 on the the UK's #Brexit wishlist, but while Britain furiously debates whether a bad trade deal is worse than no deal with Europe, the continent's leading economic powerhouse is not really bothered.That's the view of Munich-based Katinka Barysch, a political researcher at financial service company Allianz. It might seem strange that with Germany exporting €86 billion worth of goods to the UK, chancellor Angela Merkel would not be under more pressure from the manufacturing sector to stay on good terms with Britain. But as Tim discovered, Merkel's political priorities, including immigration, the rise of the right, an upcoming election and reluctantly coping with a growing reputation as the "leader of the free world" hold far greater sway.

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