Words To Banish; Bachelorette Accent Game; Chainsmokers: SHOWcast 05/22/2017
All you need to know about today's #TheShowKC is that it was everything disposable about society. First, Jen had to suffer through the Chainsmokers in last night's Billboard Music Awards. This riles up Shaylee and led to a big discussion about music. Something we can all agree on was that Jen cries a lot and no one was surprised she shed a tear over Titanic...the movie. A new season of The Bachelorette premieres tonight, so we revisit past stupidity from the show by using direct quotes from old Bachelor/Bachelorette shows for The Accent Game. Some thing sound even worse in pirate voice! Also, what word(s) would you banish from everyday speech? BAE? Turnt? Lit? Awesome? Those and more in today's Show. Enjoy!