Episode #104 - Anybody But Theo

Aug 07, 2015, 06:00 AM

Natalie and Karen worry over Kira and werewolf eye colors in their recap of Teen Wolf season 5, episode 7, "Strange Frequencies."

Featured Song: "Get Back Up" by The Unknown

- Who's listening to the podcast for the first time? We're curious.
- This episode was getting finished when we were last on the set.
- Our favorite quotes - Karen applies some innuendo to Melissa and the Sheriff and is dismayed at Natalie's pick. Good.
- Theo is manipulating Stiles by pretending to put the ball in his court.
- What would he have done if Stiles hadn't gone along with moving the body?
- Liam's explanation of the supernatural to Hayden was probably incredibly terrible.
- Hayden's car breaking down - we saw pick-ups of this scene being shot in the soundstage.
- Stiles and Theo easily let Scott believe the Dread Doctors killed the boy. Would he ever even consider that it could have been them?
- We liked the scene of the boys talking to Hayden through her door.
- Kira's parents set up that "training exercise" for her - reminds us of the Argents.
- Did they know something was wrong with the kitsune before it was revealed in the fight? And why does she keep losing the belt?
- What exactly do the telluric currents do to the Dread Doctors and what does Scott plan to do if he catches one?
- Sheriff and Melissa do some great detective work together, and it makes us worried for the upcoming slap!
- We should set up a tally board for the flash-forward scenes.
- The Stiles/Theo car conversation is... a lot.
- Is Theo a full-on sociopath? Signs - and his dead sister - point to yes.
- The damn eye colors. If Stiles is right, and it's about personal remorse, we wonder about Peter.
- However, there are several other options. Tell us, Teen Wolf!
- If Scott does find out, what are the chances of a long-term Sciles separation?
- Liam knows Scott is off his game, in his confrontation about Hayden being bait.
- 115????????
- Parrish's "dream girl" - okay, what's that about?
- Natalie really wishes that Parrish and Derek could have become BFFs.
- We were freaked out by the Dread Doctors psychological tricks. Karen likes the violence though.
- We now know what was linking the chimera victims. It makes so much sense!
- Some listeners were very excited for Natalie to get to this part, because they know us.
- Are Theo and Stiles bonded for life now, because of the secrets they share?
- RIP Jeep? Sadface.
- "At least we have Mason." This level-headed kid is maybe going to save them all.
- Is something weird going on with time? It sounds like the Dread Doctors were creating the soundbite we;ve already heard, of Hayden's name... and Karen is still curious about the magnets.
- Who put the sword in the lady on the table?
- We had a lot of great feedback this week, including:
- Who's a better schemer - Peter or Theo?
- Could season 5 be a hallucination?
- Could Stiles be the one to kill Theo?
- Many opinions on the eye color debate and whether Theo is a chimera.
- And a fun bit about senior trips.
- We practice saying next week's episode title, "Ouroboros."

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