Episode #161 – ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ – 3×09, 3×10 – Soul Condoms

May 16, 2016, 06:00 PM

Join us as we discuss Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 3, episode 9, “The Wish” and episode 10 “Amends."

Superfans: Selina and Caitlin
Newbies: Mitch and Kristen

 Fun facts:

Caitlin just had a birthday! Kristen comforts her on her trek toward 30, and is rewatching Veronica Mars where she just heard a hilarious Trump reference. Mitch is moving to Seattle, and Selina clears up her position as a non-Xander/Willow shipper, but a fan of the chaos they create in season 3.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 3, episode 9, “The Wish”:
-Initial Reactions
-AU episodes: Love them? Hate them?
-The Wish-verse gets its own special title.
-Why was Buffy so much more rough and tough growing up outside of Sunnydale?
-New rules in the Wish-verse
-Why is anyone still living in Sunnydale in the Wish-verse?
-Cordelia's attitude is her armor that keeps her from being too vulnerable when she's in an already vulnerable state.
-Vamp Xander and Vamp Willow: We're in love.
-Poor Angel. He had it rough in the Wish-verse.
-And no, that wasn't Faith being drained outside the Bronze.
-Demon Anyanka: Crazy cool makeup.
-What is the power derived from Anya granting wishes? Does this whole new universe thing happen all the time?
-Favorite Scenes
-Favorite Lines

Buffy the Vampire Slayer season 3, episode 10, “Amends”:
-Initial Reactions
-Angelus had some scary wig stuff going on in the flashbacks.
-Mitch was more distracted by the fake snow.
-Buffy and Faith find some Christmas spirit.
-Thou dost protest too much Joyce. We know you looooove Giles.
-Should Oz have forgiven Willow?
-The scene with Oz and Willow and Barry White.
-Jenny Calendar is back!... -ish.
-Giles is on high alert when it comes to all things Angel. Angelus had a huge impact.
-Why did Angel return from the netherworld?
-Angel and Buffy on the hilltop. Best. Scene. EVER.
-Did Buffy go full Elsa and unleash some snow powers? Or is something else responsible for the snow?
-Favorite Scenes
-Favorite Lines

Listener Feedback
-Emmie tweeted to declare her love for that last scene in "Amends."
-Beefish tweeted to make some Fangtasia/Bronze comparisons in the Wish-verse.
-Brittany tweeted to declare her love for Dark Willow.
-Shauna tweeted to ask if we had any idea where Faith gets her money for her hotel room. We don't think we want to know.
-Ashley commented to chime in on the favorite seasons discussion.
-And Mandikaye gives us a very strong Angel/Angelus comparison to think about.

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