Episode #109 - 'Freaks and Geeks' - Wrap-up - Guffaw
May 24, 2015, 06:00 PM
ReWatchable is back to discuss Freaks and Geeks as a whole before we move on to Legend of Korra!
Superfans: Brittany, Jack, Pamela, and Karen
Newbies: Kristen, Ariana, Caitlin, and Danielle
Newbies: Kristen, Ariana, Caitlin, and Danielle
Freaks and Geeks wrap-up:
-How do the superfans feel about the show overall now that we've discussed it?
-How does Kristen feel about the overall series?
-Who's our favorite character?
-Favorite arcs?
-We talk a little bit about Nick's arc.
-Favorite episodes?
-Do we like Lindsey and Nick together?
-Are Daniel and Kim good for each other?
-We all love Ken and Amy, obvs.
-Do we want Bill and Vicki to get together?
-Who was our favorite cameo?
-We discuss potential season 2 plot points.
-How do the superfans feel about the show overall now that we've discussed it?
-How does Kristen feel about the overall series?
-Who's our favorite character?
-Favorite arcs?
-We talk a little bit about Nick's arc.
-Favorite episodes?
-Do we like Lindsey and Nick together?
-Are Daniel and Kim good for each other?
-We all love Ken and Amy, obvs.
-Do we want Bill and Vicki to get together?
-Who was our favorite cameo?
-We discuss potential season 2 plot points.
Listener feedback
-What iTunes incentive are we sending you guys off with this week?
-One listener gives us some love, and discusses Ken's plot at the end of the season.
-Another listener is SO ready for Korra.
-We also take care of a little business if you've been having trouble downloading podcasts.
-What iTunes incentive are we sending you guys off with this week?
-One listener gives us some love, and discusses Ken's plot at the end of the season.
-Another listener is SO ready for Korra.
-We also take care of a little business if you've been having trouble downloading podcasts.
Next time on ReWatchable: We'll be starting Legend of Korra!
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