Episode #29 - Teen Wolf Forever

Jul 25, 2013, 06:00 AM

Natalie and Karen discuss season 3, episode 8 of Teen Wolf, "Visionary."

Featured Song: "Ave Maria" (cello solo)


-Karen had a delayed flight back from SDCC and is very sick, but she's here!
-Hello, new listeners!
-Is this Harry Potter or Teen Wolf?
-Natalie is wondering if she has some sort of hormone imbalance.
-We were happy to see Scott holding his ground with Gerard and not forgiving him.
-Was Deaton the backup sacrifice?
-Did anyone else feel like the Young Derek and Paige scenes were kind of intense?
-Was this instalove between Derek and Paige? Or did it not bother us?
-Peter was being a douche this episode. Oh, and he's A LOT like Iago.
-We are so, so confused about the werewolf ages.
-Here's the lunar cycle thing Nat mentioned.
-Seriously though, how many abandoned buildings are in Beacon Hills?
-Talia had such a presence. We're in love with her already.
-We have serious feelings about Ennis and Deucalion. It's weird.
-We can't imagine what it would be like for the Alphas to kill their own betas.
-We seriously need to know how much the Sheriff knows about the supernatural.
-Karen got really excited about the mythology in this episode.
-Do we think Chris could be the Darach?
-Victoria could be the Petunia Dursley of Teen Wolf.
-The Alpha Pack is obviously not good. But Gerard? Gerard it nuts.
-Did Derek know Ennis was going to bite Paige?
-Gerard kills everyone, except Deucalion of all people.
-There are some parallels between Peter and Gerard. What does this mean about Peter?
-Why did Stiles go to Derek's by himself?
-Paige used her powers of observation to figure out the supernatural exists. Can't other people do the same? *cough*SheriffStilinski*cough*
-What counts as an "innocent" death?
-LOL at Gerard trying to play the sympathy card.
-Is the unreliable narrator speech a clue?
-Is Jennifer Paige? Is Jennifer the Darach? Is Paige the Darach?
-Derek has so much repression.
-Everything is Gerard's fault.
-Did Deucalion really attack Alexander Argent?
-How are they going to conclude this plot in four episodes??

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