Episode #16 - We're Normal Psychopaths

Apr 23, 2013, 06:00 AM

Natalie and Karen discuss episode 2x11 of Teen Wolf, "Battlefield," along with current news and season 3 spoilers.

Featured Song: "Head Tonic" - The Datsuns

We're trying out a new format for the show since we're only covering a single episode here. This time, we're going through each person's arc one at a time. Let us know what you think!

Episode 2x11 "Battlefield"
-Favorite Quotes.

Opening scene
-We all love Stiles’ game-changing monologue
-Matt photoshopping himself into pictures with Allison is CREEPY
-The guidance counselor knows who Stiles is. Is she giving him a pep talk? Does she know what’s going to happen?
-Is Stiles a regular patient? He's very comfortable with therapy.
Melissa’s arc
-She hides from her son, not wanting to talk about what she saw
-Gerard and the Kanima threaten her, she tells Scott to give Gerard what he wants
-On the field, Melissa tells Scott that if he can do something to help, he has to help
Boyd and Erica
-The pair decide to leave Derek
-They hear other wolves howling and want to join up with a different pack
-The hunters are using wolf calls to draw in Boyd and Erica
-Allison very nearly kills them
-Chris’s reaction is pretty powerful, and he shoots Allison's bow
-The vet teaches Isaac to help others, and he pulls some of the pain/cancer away from the dog
-How does the vet know the cancer has a very distinct scent?
-Isaac asks Scott for his advice, and then Isaac tells Scott that Jackson is playing the championship game
-Isaac decides to leave, but he shows up at the game anyway
-Scott and Isaac are already a serious team, speaking almost via eye contact at the game. They have a true understanding of each other.
-”You actually think I want to be the Alpha again? That wasn’t exactly my best performance, considering it ended in my death.”
-So handsome! So vain! So classy!
-Peter needs an Alpha, a pack, to get stronger. He MUST have an endgame.
-Peter says that Derek is the one without a heart, and talks about “the simple yet undeniable power of human love.”
-In the last ep, the vet told Derek not to trust peter, and yet here he is.
-Jackson warns Danny, so he knows what is going on, and yet he’s not asking for anyone’s help, even though he knows he can talk to Scott
-Gerard says the real offer on the table is Allison if Scott gives up Derek
-Peter is going to tell Derek how to save Jackson, and they have to save him through his heart. This is Lydia.
-Jackson takes himself out at the end of the episode. Did Gerard know he’d survive?
-Is Lydia at the game to support Stiles? Jackson? Both?
-Stiles wants to be able to help - does this mean he’s thinking about becoming a werewolf?
-At the end of the episode, he goes missing

-Derek’s father won’t be featured in the flashback
-Getting back to the horror for season 3, ode to The Shining
-“Episode 5 is also a flashback episode – but not in the sense that it flashes back to younger characters, it’s more like Pulp Fiction in the way we bounce around in time. It’s one of our most ambitious episodes ever!” - Jeff Davis

Listener Feedback:
-Can Lydia's blood be the cure for werewolves?

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