s02ep20 - Shaken Not Stirred

May 26, 2017, 01:07 AM


Ira joins us this week for topics including: American Gods, Fargo, The Leftovers, Twin Peaks, Aziz Ansari on Fresh Air, and more. We say farewell to Chris Cornell, Sir Roger Moore, and “Clerks” actress Lisa Spoonhauer. The Red Box Troll recalls his favorite James Bond films starring Sir Roger Moore and recaps the latest Red Box releases.

Staff Picks: Steph’s (1) Neon Joe Werewolf Hunter - May 22nd (Adult Swim) http://www.adultswim.com/videos/neon-joe/#88b8zADv7Pqw

Steph’s (2) Bloodline-Third and Final Season - May 26 (Netflix) https://www.google.com/amp/variety.com/2017/tv/news/bloodline-season-3-premiere-date-first-trailer-1202032169/amp/

Tim’s (1) Get Me Roger Stone (Netflix) https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/voices/2017/05/21/roger-stone-donald-trump-documentary/101909014/

Tim’s (2) Andy Rehfeldt’s YouTube channel of song mix-ups. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzk0m5Ibzv-JDJHRrNNbGyw http://www.andyrehfeldt.com/?page_id=47

Jeff’s - Momocon starts 5/28 http://www.momocon.com

Ira’s (1) Fresh Air Show from Friday, May 19 30 Year Tribute to The Simpsons http://www.npr.org/programs/fresh-air/2017/05/19/529129154/fresh-air-for-may-19-2017?showDate=2017-05-19

Ira’s (2) Griffin Dunne and Bill Burr on Maron http://www.wtfpod.com/podcast/episode-813-griffin-dunne-bill-burr

Become a Radio Labyrinth Patron https://www.patreon.com/Timandrews

Support Local Comedy! http://www.punchline.com/shows.asp

Order Mary Todd Products Online! Mary Todd's custom line of shampoo, pomades and beard oils are handmade using the finest ingredients, such as cucumber, licorice and bergamot, and produced locally. http://www.marytoddhairco.com/products

Wake up! Have a Banjo Cold Brew http://www.banjocoldbrew.com/

#Momocon #FreshAir #NPR #TheSimpsons #GriffinDunne #BillBurr #MarcMaron #Podcast #AndyRehfeldt #RogerStone #Netflix #Bloodline #NeonJoe #AdultSwim #AmericanGods #Starz #Fargo #FX #TheLeftovers #HBO #AzizAnsari #TwinPeaks #Showtime #RogerMoore #JamesBond #LisaSpoonhauer #Clerks #KevinSmith #PaulStanley #ChrisCornell #Soundgarden