Talking Paper #12 Hampton Fancher

Jun 01, 2017, 02:46 PM


Episode date, April 20th, 2017: I sat down with veteran screen actor, director, and writer Hampton Fancher at his home in Brooklyn, New York. 2017 is a big year for Fancher. First, as the subject of a documentary film about his life and career, titled Escapes, set for a summer release. Second as the co-screenwriter of the feature film Blade Runner 2049, which debuts in October. The film is a follow-up to 1982's massively influential science fiction classic Blade Runner, directed by Ridley Scott -- a film production that Fancher set in motion when he secured the rights to the source novel (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?) from author Philip K.Dick. He then served as screenwriter, before giving way to David Peoples, but maintained an Executive Producer credit. For this year's follow-up, actors Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling utilized a screenplay written by Fancher and Michael Green. This interview was my second with Fancher, some six years after speaking with him for my film site Camera In The Sun about Blade Runner's production, his directing the film The Minus Man, his acting career in television Westerns during the 1950s and 60s, growing up a mixed-race child in 1940s East Los Angeles, and his long love affair with Flamenco dancing -- which took him all the way to Spain as a teenager. During this interview, we discussed Fancher's love of writing, some of his favorite authors, and how their work affected him. He then read some of his poetry and short stories, including from his 2012 book of short works, titled The Shape of the Final Dog, published by Penguin Group imprint Blue Rider Press.

The Shape of the Final Dog:

Camera In The Sun interview:

Blade Runner:

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?:

Blade Runner 2049:

Nomadic Press:

#talkingpaper #radiofreebrooklyn #poetry #writing #film #filmmaking #screenwriting #hamptonfancher #bladerunner #bladerunner2049 #nomadicpress