Episode 37: Summer Bucket List

Jun 21, 2017, 01:34 AM


Hey all!

This week, we have a little challenge for you: We all have bucket lists that we want to accomplish within our lifetimes, or maybe before a certain age or life event.

But summer is pretty much upon us, and this week, Wilx and Benzy set their eyes on their summer bucket lists!

Living in Orlando has its perks: we have access to plenty of different beaches on either shore, springs, rivers, and lakes, and of course, the multiple theme parks we love visiting!

Tune in to hear what our summer goals are; from the fun and frivolous to the goal-centered, "adulting" type.

What do you have planned for the summer? Is there room to challenge yourself to add five unusual summer events you always say you'll try, and never get a chance to?

As always, don't forget to rate and review us on the platform of your choice, and comment your Summer Bucket List picks on our Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter!

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