Episode 26

Jun 30, 2017, 07:35 AM


Episode 26 – June 30th Genecia Alloura Lou – Soul Rich Woman Former beauty queen turned business coach, Genecia Alluora Lou knows the value of working hard. Having begun her journey as an entrepreneur at just 14 to support herself, she discovered that striking out on your own can be scary as we always imagine the worst but we shouldn’t be crippled by our perceived limitations. Having created over 1000 live streamings, her desire is to share daily business and marketing advice for aspiring business women. Genecia challenges women to step out of their comfort zone so they aren’t a person with regrets for not doing enough. Contact Genecia at www.soulrichwoman.com #beautyqueen, #beauty #Singapore #style #wearewomen #betteroutcomes #business #comfortzone confidence #confidence #entrepreneurialwomen #entrepreneurs #podcast #positiveliving #success #women #facebooklive