Excessive Breeding w/ Alison Pinion

Episode 39,   Jul 03, 2017, 11:00 AM


Alison Pinion, cohost of Two Chicks and the Plural of Apocalypse, joins El Jordano and Sheer to discuss her hatred of excessive breeding. Ally doesn't want to have kids, but her main beef is with people that just can't stop reproducing. We get into the Duggars (pictured), and Ally rips Mr. Diablo apart making this probably his least favorite episode. This episode is brought to you by: Chad Weaver (@WeaverChad) Chris Clem (@Chris_Clem) Brit Fox (xfoxrox IG & Snapchat) #Cleveland #Akron #Kent #Canton #Comedy #Hate #ChildFree #Reproduction #Sex #Condoms #BirthControl #Kids #Parents #Sterile