Henry Newman on the challenges the government faces over the repeal bill

Episode 86,   Jul 17, 2017, 11:02 PM


The repeal bill to transfer European Union legislation into British statute was published last week as the government finally started dotting the i and crossing the t of Brexit. While transferring reams of European law back to British rule is a mighty task, it would have been smoother if all parties were in agreement. But as with all things Brexit, that is far from the case. Tim invited Henry Newman from Open Europe back on the podcast to explain the repeal bill process and set out the numerous challenges the government may face, be they from pro-remain MPs looking for a softer Brexit, or the Scottish Parliament and Welsh assemblies keen to see devolved powers not returning to Westminster. One thing is certain, as the MPs head off for their summer recess, there is much work for them to contemplate.

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