Fireworks w/ Drew Mulkins

Episode 41,   Jul 17, 2017, 11:00 AM


Comedian Drew Mulkins of Sad Boys' Social Club joins El Jordano and Sheer to discuss his hatred of fireworks. We go from fireworks, to bad experiences at Edgewater Park, to what's really happening with skeet shooting nowadays. It's a lot of sound and fury signifying hatred. This episode of the show is brought to you by: Chad Weaver, teen comedian (@WeaverChad) Brit Fox (@xfoxrox IG & Snapchat) Chris Clem, level 16 improv wizard (@Chris_Clem) Jess Faulstich, host of Sunday's weekly show at Avenue Tap House in Lakewood (@EpicFaul) Plight of the Stripperherder ( #Cleveland #Comedy #Hate #FourthOfJuly #Gunpowder #LoudNoises #Skeet #FeelTheBang #BangBang