59-Ki99: You're My Son

Episode 37,   Jul 27, 2017, 01:45 PM


On this episode Ki99 talk Chester Bennington, Superjoint Ritual and DevilDriver are coming back to town, and Cognitive because they are the BADASS BAND OF THE WEEK!!! Get their music at https://cognitivenewjersey.bandcamp.com or anywhere you can find it. They are fricking Brutal!

Plus a Brand New Moshup that answers what would happen if Black Eyed Peas and Poison were the same band, and Motley Crue's "Brandon" is the worst piece of shit ever recorded to audio.

#metal #akron #Cleveland #music #linkinpark #philanselmo #Dez #coalchamber #motleycrue #concerts #superjointritual