PEL Special: Combat & Classics on Rousseau's "Discourse on the Arts and Sciences"

Aug 07, 2017, 12:00 PM


A new podcast for the Partially Examined Life Podcast Network! Meet Jeff, Lise, and Brian, who are joined by PEL's Wes and Dylan to discuss Rousseau's claim in the First Discourse on the Arts and Sciences (1750) that the arts and sciences lead to "moral corruption."

What is "moral corruption," and what does it mean for a human being to be "whole"? How can a society be structured to allow individual humans to achieve wholeness and what role do the arts and sciences play in that endeavor?

You can listen to all of C&C's previous discussions on the PEL site or at

Hungry for more Rousseau? PEL has also covered the second discourse (on inequality).

Rousseau picture by Solomon Grundy. #philosophy #classics #rousseau #morality #arts #sciences #society Go to the blog: