LWP #57 WCW Best of Nitro (TNT Special aired 1998) Chris Clem's Personal VHS copy/NXT Brooklyn III recap/SummerSlam 2017 preview
Hosts Sean and Derek "Hot Shotted" the territory this week by having friend of the show, comedian, and Chris Clem's Cavs cast host, Chris Clem, pick our poll topics this week. Our winner ended up being a 1998 TNT television special found only in Chris Clem's personal VHS collection, The Best of WCW Monday Nitro, which is a essentially a Hulk Hogan blowjob. Listen as we recap all the fun of Hulk Hogan's run on Nitro up to 1998. Plus! we do a special recap of NXT Brooklyn III and a preview for Sunday's SummerSlam event
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