Flirting w/ Brian Huth

Episode 46,   Aug 21, 2017, 11:00 AM


Professor Brian Huth joins the Fat Woke Boyz to discuss his hatred of flirting. We talk missed cues, being direct, what makes something creepy and Sheer gets really, really gross because he's back on his bullshit. Before you ask, Brian is a handsome fella who is in a relationship. This episode is brought to you by: Chad Weaver (@WeaverChad) Chris Clem (@Chris_Clem) Brit Fox (xfoxrox IG and Snapchat) Jess Faulstich (@epicfaul) Plight of the Stripperherder ( #Cleveland #Comedy #Romance #Sex #Violence #SocialCues #Hitler #Dogs #Courting #Dating