Civil Society in Action: Part Two
Welcome back to the MOAS Podcast and to Part Two of our exploration of the people and projects working to support refugees and migrants.
In this Podcast we’re looking at the kinds of problems that Civil Society Organisations encounter setting up and staying afloat. We’ll also find out how food is a great way to connect locals with refugee communities.
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Links for the organisations included in this Podcast:
African Media Association Malta
Farah Abdullahi Abdi:
Get Stuffed For Charity:
@lmastromauro #civil #society #organisation #Canada #government #assisted #private sponsorship #family #community #groups #churches #resettlement #Syria #Syrians #Canadian #Council #for #Refugees #CCR #African #Media #Association #Malta #David #Millner #Somalia #broadcast #radio #journalism #funding #recording #migrant #skills #register #Youtube #Facebook #cleaning #construction #labour #farah #abdullahi #abdi #trans #woman #social #exclusion #racism #neverarrive #United Nations #public #speaking #blog #writing #xenophobia #residence #charities #UK #HelpRefugees #help #refugees #Calais #camp #umbrella #administrator #feeding #shelter #Nico #Stevens #founder #non #food #items #NFI #distribution #dignity #infrastructure #kitchens #demographics #haulage #storage #warehouse #logistics #rice #pasta #Eritrea #Afghanistan #census #unaccompanied #minors #advocacy #eviction #le #recho #LeRecho #French #France #bridge #culture #experience #LaLinere #Liniere #Alix #Gerbet #Vanessa #Elodie #cooking #classes #Kurdish #foodtruck #Dunkirk #Grand-Synthe #networking #qualifications #Get #Stuffed #Charity #GetStuffedforCharity #Brazilian #barbeque #BBQ #Lucia #Mastromauro #UK #burgers #sausages #vegan #fund #raising #fundraiser #Google #King #CEO #friendship #belonging #refugee #aid #serbia #distribution #grassroots #local #citizens #Balkans #route #adapt #needs #English #language #curriculum #resettlement #NGO #non #governmental #odyssey #project #Turkey #Vienna #Greece #Paris #Brussels #Germany #Annamaria #Olsson #GSBTB #giving #something #back #to #berlin #open #art #shelter #kitchen #integration #Damascus #PTSD #public #economic #empowerment #obstacles #women #association #malta #maltese #Umayma #Elamin #MWAM #Sudan #community #labour #market #cooking #jobs #project #spark #15 #MCAST #college #science #technology #Mohamed #Hassan #founding #members #education #youth #university #board #luxembourg #journalist #Frédérique #Buck #photographer #Sven #Becker #I’m #not #a #doctor #lawyer #stonemason #students #mothers #teachers #Syria #Iraq #Somalia #Eritrea #Palestine #status #book #integration #right #wing #extremism #Facebook #engagement #13 #podcast #episode #MOAS #migrant #offshore #aid #station #moaspodcast