Just as You Are
Receiving love is the message of Paul Coutinho who challenges the idea that fear of hell and false humility are religious ideals. As a culture we can be addicted to earning worth rather than receiving love just as you are. He talks about how unfulfilled dreams can lead you to develop new talents and abilities and ways to fulfill the underlying purpose of the underlying dream. How do you tell the difference between sincere desires and expectations others put on you?
Fr. Paul Coutinho, S.J. is an internationally recognized Ignatian scholar, author, and speaker who brings an Eastern flavor to Western spirituality. A native of India and a Jesuit from the Bombay province, he frequently leads retreats, gives spiritual direction, and trains people to lead the Spiritual Exercises. He holds master’s degrees in both clinical psychology and religious studies, and he has a doctorate in historical theology from Saint Louis University, where he specialized in Ignatian spirituality and is now a visiting theology professor and on the Advisory Board of the Review for Religious and the Faculty Advisor for the Theology Club.