The #1 thing you lack that would catapult your coaching business to the next level
==> Why you Need to Level Up
Do you have a side-hustle, a means of income other than your day job? If so, you’re not alone.
In 2013: 6.8 million Americans had a side-hustle. This represents 5% of the population.
In 2017: 44 millions have a side-hustle. This represents 18% of the population.
Why the increase? For starters, the new Digital Age allows this. We have more opportunities than ever before. But we also have more reasons why we need a side hustle too. People realize their employers aren’t going to take care of them forever. They also know it’s highly unlikely they’ll retire in their current day job. This means their day jobs are temporary. It also means they need a plan.
Becoming a coach is one of the fastest ways to greater influence, impact, and income. How fast you may ask. Well for one of our recent team members, it took less than 2 weeks! Dennis Riley got his first paying client just 13 days after joining.
==> What you Need to Level Up
According to Harvard Business Review, you only need one thing to catapult your current or future coaching business to the next level. The Harvard Study revealed the top reasons why companies hire coaches:
Reason #1 = Experience (65%): This answer was predicable. Companies look for coaches with experience.
Reason #2 = Clear Methodology (61%): This answer was unpredictable. Tt’s nearly twice as important than the ability to measure a Return On Investment (ROI).
==> How you Can Level Up
One major way you can Level Up your current or future coaching business is a clear methodology. I call this a coaching framework. The best coaches employ a framework that leads their clients to a solution.
Framework: A solution broken down into simple steps. Some coaches only rely on asking curious questions. Of course asking questions are an important part of the coaching process, but it doesn’t stop there. Questions help clients become aware of the problem, not the solution.
In today’s podcast I share why a coaching framework is one of the most important components in your coaching business.
==> Time to Level Up
We’re opening a few spots on our Global Team of Speakers, Coaches, and Trainers. Although we open our teams once a quarter, this is your final opportunity until 2018.
Click on the Team(s) of your choice below to learn more (or click here. If you’re interested please apply today because our spots are limited.
=> Your Secret Name Team = => Deeper Path Team = => Dream Job Team =
Just Some of our Team Benefits:
Worldwide Certification: The ability to speak, coach, and train, any individual or group anywhere in the world utilizing the curriculum (Your Secret Name OR Deeper Path OR Dream Job Coach), products, and content.
Total Profit: You keep 100% of the proceeds, honorariums, and income you receive from your services.
Daily Support: As a member of my private on-line coaching group, you are encouraged to ask questions about your business and brand. I’ll respond back with tips, tools, and tactics to help you create quantifiable success and significance as a team member.
Video Training: Take a front row seat and we’ll show you exactly how we run our own live events, coaching sessions, and programs. You’ll also receive videos of my keynote speeches. You’re welcome to customize these for your own speaking gigs.
Audio Training: Listen to over one hundred hours of coaching calls, each categorized for an ultimate audio educational experience.
Transformational Resources: I give you the exact same resources I use when I speak, train, and coach. This includes bumper videos, exercises, object lessons, slides, handouts, workbooks, and leader guides.
Marketing Tools: Digital downloads customizable for your own event
Promotional Partnership: We list you and your bio on our website. Visitors are encouraged to contact and hire you through your branded email address we provide you.
Global Community: Lifetime access to the Igniting Souls Tribe, our global community committed to each other’s personal and professional success.