7 OF THE BEST: Ledley King's Brand New Game
Hello, Football Friends,
It's been a very exciting week in The Football Hour world, we've teamed up with: www.7otb.com to give you loyal football hour friends, the opportunity to win some big money prizes.
All this week Alex has been reminding you about the UK's best new football game '7OTB'. The game has been set up by Spurs Ledge, Ledley King to give football fans a free way to win big money.
Have a listen to this podcast and Mearnsey will explain why you HAVE to play this game.
When you've finished the podcast and you are craving to set up your own 7OTB profile & team, head straight to:
It is free to enter and you can try and play your way to £1 million pounds.
Follow: @7otbfootball