7 OF THE BEST: LISTEN & WIN - Amazing opportunity to WIN an England shirt signed by LEDLEY KING
Hello, Football Friends,
It's been a very exciting week in The Football Hour world, we've teamed up with: www.7otb.com to give you loyal football hour friends, the opportunity to win some big money prizes.
This podcast is very special and it is all thanks to:
When you finish listening to this podcast follow these simple steps:
- head to www.7otb.com to set up your profile & new teams with your mates
- Insert your '7 of the best' Game Week Selections
- (VERY IMPORTANT) DIRECT MESSAGE @TheFootballHour on Twitter with a message saying you have set up your profile and then send me your 'USERNAME'
After 2 weeks, all the usernames will enter a raffle and Ledley King will pick TFH listener winner and then personally sign you a brand new England shirt.
It is free to enter and you can try and play your way to £1 million pounds.