Episode 98 - Snake Killer Steph's Back!
Steph's back! We kick it off talking Jimmy Kimmel & the Las Vegas tragedy, R.I.P. Hugh Hefner and Tom Petty. Tim talks about meeting Tom Petty in 2002 & Steph shares her battles with copperhead snakes. TV Talk! Preacher Season 2, The Deuce (HBO), Mr. Mercedes (Audience TV), Vice Principals (HBO), Ray Donovan (Showtime), Curb Your Enthusiasm (HBO), Tales from the Tour Bus (Cinemax). Autumn Fischer joins to talk Star Trek Discovery (Bleh) & The Orville. PLUS: The Red Box Troll stops by, Hank Hill & Luann hold a seance and Staff (Dick) Picks.
STAFF PICKS: Autumn: Youtube “Cooking With Henry” Henry Phillips https://www.youtube.com/user/henlips Ira: Black Mirror & Narcos Season 3 (Netflix) Jeff: Jeff Me, Myself and I (CBS) Steph: Mr. Robot Season 3 (USA) Tim: The Robot Chicken Walking Dead Special: Look Who's Walking http://collider.com/robot-chicken-walking-dead-special-interview/
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#TheDeuce, #MrMercedes, #TomPetty, #HughHefner, #CurbYourEnthusiasm, #Preacher, #HBO, #Showtime, #VicePrincipals, #RayDonovan, #LarryDavid, #StephenKing, #JamesFranco, #DavidSimon, #MikeJudge, #Tourbus, #JerryLeeLewis, #Cinemax, #BlackMirror, #Netflix, #Narcos, #RobotChicken, #TheWalkingDead, #FamilyGuy, #TheSimpsons, #CBS, #TheOrville, #StarTrekDiscovery, #Snakes, #WonderWoman