Payback A Friend Day; This Is Us Quiz: SHOWcast 10/17/2017
Does Jen have Pink Eye?? Everyone hopes not. This is the time of year for bad stuff: lice, colds, coughs, bleh. Stuff we talked about on #TheShowKC: a woman running for Congress says she has been abducted by aliens on multiple occasions; Jen's "Soothing" Impossible Questions; there was a great "Rob Burgundy" moment during a football game over the weekend, when the announcer straight read the teleprompter, including stuff he wasn't meant to read out loud. This lead Truta to revisit his all time favorite news blooper clip about the gay/blind mountain climber. Our friend Casi Joy finally got married over the weekend, and we revisit the wedding present that The Show cast sent to Casi and Bryan: the "illumi-bowl"...a light up toilet bowl seat! Who wouldn't want to turn their toilet into a nightlight? It's Payback a Friend day and we want to help someone pay their debt in concert tickets. We helped Renee pay off her debt to Kim by sending them to the Janet Jackson concert. Luckily Kim accepted this form of payment and the two are actually going to have a great night hanging out together! Lots of celebrities are getting hit by cars now. We think it's an epidemic to get publicity for their projects. As of the 17th of October there are only 69 days until Christmas. This Is Us has been a huge show. Producer Joey came up with a quiz for the rest of the cast, to see how well they know the show. We also learn that Joey has a strange, familial tie to This Is Us. Listen and found out how. See you tomorrow!