Nate Max LIVE - Running my car on Hydrogen

Nov 02, 2017, 10:07 AM


Hey beautiful people here is a short video showing my new hydrogen set up I installed on my car. Yes, I'm running my car on water, a hybrid HH0 water / petrol set up which is giving me a fuel reduction. Im also going to talk about free energy and the suppression of inventions by the oil companies and why electric cars and this new "tesla" lithium battery green revolution is another load of shit. I also go into primary refreshing stations, power scarcity, land grabbing coal seam gas and energetic ley lines. Please share like tag and repost this info. I have reached the full 5000 friends so please like and add me @ The Nate Max Project instead so we can connect there. This recording will be posted on my pod cast and you tube channel below. #hydrogen You tube : Nate Max Tv Lifting the veil Pod cast : Nate Max Tv Instagram # Connectingconsciousness Natemaxtv Offgrid_adventures Facebook : The Nate Max Project Connecting Consciousness