U.S. Tax Plan the most anticipated event of the last year - Marc Ostwald
US Tax Plan the most anticipated event of the last year.
Marc Ostwald Strategist at ADMISI discusses the U.S. markets. Specifically Tax reforms, the FOMC Chair and Non Farm payrolls. Ostwald notes that the Tax reforms instigated by Donald Trump have been the most anticipated development since Trump came to office. Ostwald notes that the drip feed in reform have probably help support the U.S. markets. He also focuses on the expected rise in the national debt and the wrangling over the total figure expected to be added. Looking ahead, Ostwald gives his overview of the upcoming Non farm Payroll number.
Finally, Ostwald discusses the recommended appointment of Jay Powell and how having a non-academic at the helm of the FOMC could be positive for markets. Especially ahead of a tricky environment ahead with the unwind of QE.
Further Information
You can see more from Marc Ostwald on Core by using this link: http://www.corelondon.tv/?s=marc+ostwald
#USEconomy,, #US, #America, #USA, #Congress, #DonaldTrump, #FOMC, #NonFarm, #Non-farmpayrolls, #MarcOstwald , #ADMISI,