Fundamentals indicate oil price is too high

Nov 13, 2017, 04:44 PM


Crude Oil is first discussed by Gaurav Sharma, Business Editor at the IB Times, and Matt Brown. Gaurav says over the last fortnight, we have seen on a week on week basis, we have seen Brent and WTI 2% higher. If you look further, you are seeing a trend that's been around since October.  Watch the full segment to get an insight into Gaurav's analysis.

The main points of the segment are: 

Oil price rally has weak fundamentals Rising US rig counts point to the theory that stronger oil prices triggers more shale exploration OPEC extending the cut is appearing 80% certain $10 geopolitical premium feasible if Saudi Arabia and Iran go to an unlikely war - Lebanon, Bahrain pipeline etc point to an escalation   Further Information 

You can see more from Gaurav on Core Finance by using this link:

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