Fundamentals indicate oil price is too high
Crude Oil is first discussed by Gaurav Sharma, Business Editor at the IB Times, and Matt Brown. Gaurav says over the last fortnight, we have seen on a week on week basis, we have seen Brent and WTI 2% higher. If you look further, you are seeing a trend that's been around since October. Watch the full segment to get an insight into Gaurav's analysis.
The main points of the segment are:
Oil price rally has weak fundamentals Rising US rig counts point to the theory that stronger oil prices triggers more shale exploration OPEC extending the cut is appearing 80% certain $10 geopolitical premium feasible if Saudi Arabia and Iran go to an unlikely war - Lebanon, Bahrain pipeline etc point to an escalation Further Information
You can see more from Gaurav on Core Finance by using this link:
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