Mental Illness Stigma w/ Angel Kellar

Episode 57,   Nov 14, 2017, 12:00 PM


Artist and Lousy Weather Media Network personality Angel Kellar joins El Jordano and Sheer to discuss her hatred of Mental Health Stigma. This episode gets really, really heavy as all three participants have some experience dealing with the stigma of being mentally ill. We have a frank discussion of our experiences and how they have impacted our careers and livelihoods. We open up a lot because quite frankly, nothing is going to change until there's an honest discussion about what actually happens when you're crazy. Sheer is still recovering days after this episode was taped. Recorded with Paul Wolfe, produced by Pete Milk. This episode is brought to you by: Brit Fox (xfoxrox on IG & Snapchat) Jess Faulstich (@epicfaul) Plight of the Stripperherder ( #Cleveland #Akron #Norton #MentalIllness #Bipolar #Schizophrenia #PTSD #Recovery #ADHD #Disability #Depression #Suicide #Medication #AntiDepressants