The US in a grinding relentless Bull Market
US markets are going from strength to strength, and in a relentless Bull Market. Tim Harrison, Head of Wealth Management at Linear Investment. joins Matt Brown. The recent issues of tax reforms do not seem to effecting the markets. They just keep on going up and up. Companies are also progressing, so as Tim describes it there is "an element of euphoria in micro economy". However there is potential of the US stepping into rescission, so with the markets at all time highs Tim suggests the economy may not as good as everyone thinks. This dynamic in the US markets has helped the FTSE and European markets maintain some forward momentum.
Many have suggested this bull-market was meant to end a long time ago, so no one knows really knows when it is going to! Tim says it is a grind and a relentless bull market. At some point one would suggest we will see a pullback but seems to be continued buying momentum.
Also discusses is the UK Budget - an outlook looking key focus on the housing market.
FTSE company to watch is Mediclinic. They launched their offer for spire health care a few weeks ago, having already a stake in the company. The market did not react pleasantly to this! Tim asks, have the good days been and gone for these type of companies?
The other stock discussed in this segment is SIG. Watch the segment to find out what the company does and why it is the AIM stock of the day to watch.
Also discussed in this video is:
GBP/USD & EUR/GBP Outlook Broker Recommendation Core Number Economic Calendar
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