How do I create use cases for DAM?
What use cases do/did you have before DAM was part of the equation? Before you had a DAM, were your workflows documented?
All too often, use cases are not documented. In fact, they may be locked in multiple silos where each person (even within the same group ) do things differently. Therefore, migrating to a workflow with DAM becomes a mystery. Without use cases, the user adoption of the DAM is often lower if users do not know why nor how nor when to use the DAM. Where does DAM fit in the users’ daily workflow? Use cases can also affect the choice of a DAM solution.
Use cases need to be documented and shared. #AnotherDamBlog #AnotherDamPodcast #audio #Audioboo #create #DAM #DAMPodcast #DigitalAssetManagement #document #find #function #HenrikDeGyor #implementation #Linkedin #MindMap #MindMapping #process #question #roles #share #UseCase #UseCases #workflow #CreateUseCases #CreatingUseCase For a full transcript, visit