Episode 17: Woken Matt Hardy & Ronda Rousey

Dec 11, 2017, 03:46 PM


The biggest female name in UFC is all set to join WWE, but will Ronda Rousey be a success in wrestling? Tom & Rich discuss.

DELETE! DELETE! DELETE! Matt Hardy is finally broken once again, the most bizarre (but loved) gimmick is back in the wrestling world as he has been "woken". But will the Eater of Worlds Bray Wyatt stop the momentum?

#SDLive is gearing up for #WWEClash with Shane McMahon in the card once again - whether he or Daniel Bryan will turn heel we'll have to wait and see. Is Jinder's push done and dusted thanks to the golden shovel of Triple H in New Delhi?

Plenty to sink our teeth into with Tom Maguire and Richard Shaw-Wright on this week's edition of Proper Sport does WWE.