Sacred Beliefs LIVE w/Bill Squire
Recorded Live at Now That's Class for El Jordano Diablo's 30th Birthday Bash. Alan Cox Show co host Bill Squire joins the Fat Woke Boyz to discuss his hatred of sacred beliefs. Bill was raised Mormon, so we delve into some of the beliefs and practices that shaped Bill's hatred. We also discuss a little of Jordan's Jehovah's Witness upbringing and Sheer's Unitarian Universalist past. Religion isn't the only place where sacred beliefs are held though. What about sports? Geekdom? Comedy? Find out this week - and for the boss - find out what Bill really thinks about proper ketchup temperature. Recorded by Mike Calhoun. Produced by Mike Calhoun and Pete Milk.
This episode of Let The Hate Flow Through You is brought to you by:
Brit Fox (xfoxrox IG & Snapchat)
Jess Faulstich (@epicfaul)
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