#76: The Honor of Advocacy with Kayla Craig
Kayla is a wife and mom to 4 kids through adoption as well as biologically. Before kids she was a journalist and even did some improv acting! You're going to be encouraged by the way she shares about some intense situations in her life with such joy and hope. What we chat about: Managing the craziness during ice/snow days When adoption doesn't go as planned How she learned to advocate for the voiceless What she does to keep her marriage strong in the midst of a very busy schedule Links mentioned: Upside Down Podcast Just Really Joseph The Man in the High Castle Find Kayla: Blog // Instagram Support the show: Shop Amazon Affiliate Link Share the Struggle! Find me on Instagram or Facebook because I want to hear YOUR thoughts on this episode! If you've been encouraged by the show, please share it with another mom. The struggle is real. We might as well do this together! Some links above take you to Amazon. When you click through, anything you purchase there will help offset the costs associated with producing the show. It doesn't cost you any extra, and it helps me out. Everybody wins! Thank you for your support!