The Bollywood Remake Of ‘Reservoir Dogs’

Episode 5,   Nov 19, 2015, 07:09 PM


This episode of Split Screen Podcast, features Nipun Chopra as we compare 'Reservoir Dogs' to it's Bollywood remake, 'Kaante'.


Meet Nipun: neuroscientist wannabe, former Bollywood podcaster, current soccer podcaster and an over all nice guy.

Nipun thinks remakes without credit are plagiarism regardless of quality of the remake.

I forget to record the show, and Nipun saves my ass, and I in turn make him blush.

The amazing-ness of Reservoir Dogs is spelled out as we discuss how it was made.

Harvey Keitel is one of the greatest actors ever.

Nipun gets technical when describing his love for 'Reservoir Dogs'.

How 'Kaante' tries too much to be like 'Reservoir Dogs'.

Mahesh Manjrekar makes an amazing debut.

Characters from 'Kaante' are amalgamations of multiple characters from 'Reservoir Dogs'.

No one can imitate Tarantino's style of writing, even though Sanjay Gupta tries. 

Nipun breaks down his acting skills and analyzes how actors act.

The apparent racism implied in 'Kaante' is not a thing.

'Kaante' relies too much on internal plot and camera devices to drive story forward, but it takes audience out of the moment.

Quentin Tarantino knows about, and actually likes 'Kaante'.


Nipun's Alzheimer's Blog: Alzheimer's 101

Nipun's Twitter: @NipunChopra7

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#ReservoirDogs #Kaante #QuentinTarantino #SanjayGupta #AmitabhBachchan #SanjayDutt #Remake #Bollywood #SplitScreenPodcast #