Febooary (9) OMANIBLOG explained in 10 minutes

Season 1, Episode 766,   Feb 10, 2012, 08:50 AM


I failed to record this audio yesterday - for very good reasons: I was on an epic journey from Cork to Bristol (where "King Lear" was opening @shakespeareatTF). For me, the theme - "your on-line name..." opened up a story I've wanted to share in some form.
Big thanks to whoever thought it up.

My proper name: Paul Hugh O'Mahony What they wrote in UK: "O'Mahoney" (note the inserted 'e') What I called my first micro business: "omani & co" My first on-line UserName : "omaniblog" Audioboo, Twitter, YouTube.. Also known as Paul O'Mahony (Cork) [another story for another time] #febooary #OmaniCo #theNationalTrust