60- It's All Fun And Games 'Til Someone Gets Butt-Hurt!
Last time these ladies played a game, they learned a little something about themselves... Basically that Ana is a saint, Lacey is a jerk and Amy is angry. That was what we all took away from it, right?
So let's try it again! It's all fun and games til someone gets butt-hurt.. What realizations will come out this time? Will there be girl-fighting, hair-pulling and finger-pointing? Did some things come out that shouldn't have been said? #sorrymom
Thanks to Channel Surfing's Ana Castillejos for bravely joining us for another game! Check out her podcast at KiddNation.com/channel-surfing.
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Thanks for listening!
#butthurt #game #takeajoke #twotruthsandalie #nipples #tmi