Out Now 314: Phantom Thread
This week's Out Now with Aaron and Abe is here to show you what's truly chic. Aaron and Abe are joined Mark Hobin and Todd Gilchrist to discuss Paul Thomas Anderson's Phantom Thread. Featuring a fine review and plenty of fun concerning other movie chatter, the group does what they can to make the House of Woodcock proud. Among topics covered, we have a fun round of Know Everybody (5:00), some Out Now Quickies™ (17:20), Trailer Talk for Annihilation (30:12), the main review (37:10), Out Now Feedback (1:21:00), and Games (1:48:25). We then wrap things up (1:56:16) and end on some bloopers (2:11:29), following this week's closeout song. So now, if you've got an hour or so to kill…
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