"StPete X" Podcast 2-6-18 Beth Houghton
#SPX #SPG #BigSea #SPFreeClinic #RadioStPete #RadioStPete.com
On this episode of SPx, Ashley and Joe co-host Beth Houghton, executive director of the St. Pete Free Clinic. Houghton has received the most shout-outs on our show to date - for good reason. Equipped as a CPA, attorney, and MBA, this local powerhouse has chosen to spend the last six years leading one of the largest non-profit organizations in Tampa Bay. Houghton has not only revolutionized the Free Clinic's services, but worked to expand its reach to the nearly 50% of the county's population struggling to make ends meet. Enjoy this look inside one of St. Pete's best non-profits, the woman who runs it, and the passion that drives her.