Smarks w/ Justin Summers
Host of the Wrestling Cheers podcast, Justin Summers, joins the Fat Woke Boyz to talk about his hatred of Smarks. Even when people were kayfiving the humanoids, some people were still able to figure out the inner workings of professional wrestling. But did they really? Is it possible to love more than one style or will we be subject to Genesis vs SNES level hate forever and ever? What's wrong with American audiences? Who are we hurting by being overly critical? Find out this week plus Sheer unearths a fantasy booking article he wrote for Cleveland Yucks a long time ago. Recorded by Jordan Patrick. Produced by Paul Wolfe.
This episode of Let The Hate Flow Through You is brought to you by:
Brit Fox (xfoxrox IG & Snapchat)
Jess Faulstich (@epicfaul)
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